Christmas Party🎅

This is an interesting read, which made me think deeper about end of year events and attendance.

If you are not engaged in the organisation you work for and just want to be seen to do the ‘right thing’!  I understand that not everyone is an introvert or likes to go out, however, if you are only doing what is expected of you and do not have a genuine interest in catching up with one or more of your colleagues at the end of year break, why go at all?  Further to that, I would question why you are working in that organisation, it is obviously not a job or an organisation you are passionate about.  We spend far too many years of our life working (or adulting), why chose to spend them in a job or organisation that you are not interested in or passionate about?

Circling back to the ‘dreaded Christmas party’, from an organisational perspective, this is something that an organisation takes the time and money out of their, sometimes strained, budget to organise and fund as a thank you to its people for all the hard work and contributions they have made throughout the year.  It is a reward for work well done.  It is not mandatory for any organisation to provide and totally discretionary on behalf of the organisation.

The questions I would be asking those who don’t want to attend are:

  1. Do you not value the work you have done this year?

  2. If you are not engaged in your role, what can we as an organisation do to change this or help you find a role within the organisation that will provide more satisfaction?

In essence, it is perhaps a cultural issue and lack of engagement for disinterest in the end of year gatherings, rather than being an introvert who feels obligated to be seen and does a lap of the room to fulfil their obligation?


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