Web Cam Grooming Guidelines 💻

Web Cam Grooming Guidelines

A lot of us aren’t huge fans of seeing our own faces on FaceTime, Skype and other video chatting programs, so having to look at yourself daily on Zoom calls can be rather unfortunate (especially those early morning calls!).

Here are some quick tips to help you help you quiet down those appearance-focused thoughts while your on a business zoom call…

Source: ‘Video Conference Grooming Tips’ by Alyx Gorman, The Guardian

Setting the Scene

Some beauty experts claim that ‘where you put your laptop or phone makes more difference to how you’ll look on camera than what you’re wearing or how you’ve done your makeup’ (Gorman 2020). Keep your background bare and keep your camera positioned at, or above eye level.

Maintain Professional Appearance

Dress code and professional attire are still expected when you use digital communication. Just because you’re not meeting with your boss in person, doesn’t mean wearing a shirt with an extremely faded stain is acceptable. Consider neutral colours and avoid bright patterns.

Video Call Test

Check your appearance in your web camera before your meeting. You’ll get a chance to make your adjustments if necessary.

Filters, Filters, Filters

Some people consider the black & white filters if they are using FaceTime or another video chat app on IPhone. Zoom offers face softening filters. Filters can be an alternative to make up.


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