Declutter your Workspace

Feeling overwhelmed by a cluttered workspace and you have no idea where to start?

Don’t sweep all the papers into the rubbish bin or plan that bonfire, it really won’t solve all your problems, as tempting as it is!

Here are my top 3 tips to finding the ‘start’:

  1. Clear your desk, arranging any paperwork into piles or files for entering or filing

  2. Make a list, do a brain dump of everything on your mind. It doesn’t matter what order you get the thoughts down on paper/notes document/Trello (or similar), what matters is that they are not clogging up your head. It is amazing how much easier things can look once your thoughts are organised.

  3. Prioritise your list, don’t forget to include the paperwork on your desk. Choose the top 3 to accomplish and set a time frame to have this done by.

By clearing your workspace and your head of the competing things to be done, they can be prioritised and worked on one at a time in bite sized pieces. You will be surprised at just how efficiently you will get through your list.

Still drowning in clutter? Contact us to find out how we can help!

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